Toda fauna, a floresta e os povos que nela vivem tem direito a vida. Que seja verde, viva e livre.
"All fauna, the forest and the people who live in it have the right to life. May it be green, alive, and free!"
The sculpture is a collab between Rui Machado, an amazon artist, and Liv Mourão, a Brazilian artist based in NYC. Together, they tell through the design the life of the people, fauna, and flora of Amazon and its connection with the jaguars.
Livia's Bio': Lívia Mourão nasceu no Brasil, onde se formou em artes plásticas. Ela mora em Nova York desde 2005, lugar que se tornou sua casa e inspiração; barroco, graffiti e a riqueza do ambiente têm desempenhado um papel ativo em seu trabalho. Abstração e realismo combinados com sua percepção única de cores e pinceladas. Seu trabalho já foi apresentado na Galeria Guignard, Galeria Savassi e Liberty Plaza/Arte Urbana, Brasil. @na_gaiola
Além disso, em exposições coletivas no Mark Borghi Fine Art e Shoestring Studio e nos pilotos de televisão 'Mating' do canal Showtime e 'Fashion Victim' do canal E!. Ela também fez parte da mostra e do leilão no Design Trust for Public Space em Nova York e, mais recentemente, na exposição coletiva Monica King Projects "Talisman" e no "Censored - Pride Art Show" em Nova York.
Rui Machado, artista plástico, poeta e compositor, nascido em Manaus, estado do Amazonas, Brasil, no ano de 1956. Sua temática está relacionada a fauna, flora e povos da floresta, dando sempre destaque a Amazônia. @ruimachadoam
Livia's Bio': Livia Mourao was born in Brazil, where she graduated with a degree in fine arts. She has lived in New York City since 2005, a place that has become her home and inspiration; baroque, graffiti and the richness of the environment have played an active role in her work. Abstraction and realism combined with her unique perception of colors and brush strokes. Her work has been featured in Guignard Gallery, Savassi Gallery, and Liberty Plaza/Urban Art, Brazil.
Also, in group exhibitions at Mark Borghi Fine Art and Shoestring Studio and in the television pilots ‘Mating’ for Showtime and ‘Fashion Victim’ for E! She was also part of the show and auction at Design Trust for Public Space in NYC and more recently, Monica King Projects "Talisman" group exhibition and “Censored - Pride Art Show” in New York City. @na_gaiola
Rui Machado, visual artist, poet, and composer was born in Manaus, state of Amazonas, Brazil, in 1956. His theme is related to the forest's fauna, flora, and peoples, always highlighting the Amazon. @ruimachadoam