Jaguar Friend

Be a Jaguar Friend


Be a jaguar friend

To be a Jaguar Friend is a call to action for a better world and future for all of us through the jaguar's conservation habitat and wildlife. 

Support for Jaguar Parade leads to widespread awareness and funding of conservational projects through the funds generated by the sale of the sculptures.

Environmental, social and corporate governance initiatives define the operational standards of Jaguar Parade's supporting companies, which undergo an external BGC audit.

Jaguar Friend logo can be used in advertising, services, and commercial establishments, as long as it follows practical social and environmental responsibilities to jaguars. This logo guarantees the transparency and credibility for your customers and consumers of a genuine commitment to the natural environment.

We will soon add more information on how corporations and individuals can apply to receive the Jaguar Friend logo through the NGO Guardians of Life.

Jaguar Parade certification helps create an impact on the organization, the community, and the planet.